Lesson VIII. Verbs: Past Tense grammar
In Black Speech, the past tense is formed by adding -uz to the verb stem. As in the future tense verb formation, you add the third person singular or plural ending to -ub. For example, “he found” would translate as “gimbuzat.” “They called” = bugduzut.”
Thrakat, to bring
thrakuz I brought thrakuz we brought
thrakuz you brought thrakuz you (pl) brought
thrakuzat he-she-it brought thrakuzut they brought
Here are a few more verbs to learn:
ghaashat to burn
gashnat to speak
ikhat to force
lagat to break
kulat to be
shagat to demand
urkat to condemn, to damn
Translate the following:
They forced the tough orcs in Orthanc.
The Nazgûl (sing.) called the old warriors of Saruman to Isengard.
She ruled over the powerful beasts in Rhovanion.
Saruman spoke to the old ugly trolls.
(this one is very tricky, so here is the answer: Saruman gashnuzat olog-kû-kûfu.)
I killed Shelob near Cirith Ungol.
He found the evil orc in Mordor.
I brought the cruel beast to Gondor.
Ashlûk called Uglûk away to Moria.
The troll-people demanded the ring from the Nazgûl (plural) in Orthanc.
I was in Gondor to condemn the troll.
You (plural) bound the evil ring in Orodruin.
They broke the rings in Barad-Dûr.